OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative
OneOCII connects researchers and educators to resources that drive innovation and advance scientific discovery.
Who We Are
OneOCII is a statewide advanced digital services collaboration led by Oklahoma higher education institutions.
What We Do
OneOCII provides access to cyberinfrastructure resources and offers education and expertise.
Researchers and educators at Oklahoma institutions are invited to participate in OneOCII.
Stay Up-To-Date with ONEOCII
Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium Set Sept. 28 Live Via Zoom
The 2022 Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium will be held Wednesday, Sept. 28, live via Zoom. The Symposium is free and a great way to learn what’s…
Oklahoma Receives $2.1 Million From National Science Foundation to Expand Research Networking and Computing Statewide
The National Science Foundation has awarded the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, OneNet and three Oklahoma universities $2.1 million in Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) grants…
OSU Receives Large NSF Grant to Build New Supercomputer
Researchers at OSU recently were awarded a Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop a new supercomputer. This supercomputer…